Categories: Health & Wellness|Last Updated: February 24, 2025|

Being in business is a mix of excitement, stress and anticipation.

No one in the startup space will deny the steep learning curve and the daily lessons. It’s one of the best ways to level up your skills. Through this time of evolution, entrepreneurs create methods and habits that optimize their output and performance.

Across the board and across all industries everyone will agree that organization, prioritization and execution are vital keys to unlocking personal success. A great idea is worthless without the methods to make it happen after all.

Putting pen to paper might seem counterintuitive in today’s digital age, but let me explain.

Your first task is to buy a small notebook, like A6, 14cm in height.

This is where you will write down your daily and weekly tasks. Soon after starting this process, I think you will enjoy the break from digital screens for this short reflective and goal setting period.

Here are some hints I use.

1) Set weekly goals on a Sunday afternoon, at least until Wednesday

(yes Sunday is a rest day, but we all know the hustle never stops)

2) Slotting in a few of the main tasks you need completed that week Monday – Wednesday

Approx 3 main tasks per day. These are your core tasks, the ones that will make the most impact to your work.

3) Fill in the smaller tasks around these, such as email replies, invoices, meetings.

4) As you complete, cross off each job. Use a highlighter to mark important or outstanding tasks.

Try to think of this goal setting time as a personal time, a digital detox away from devices. Most of us have lost our connection with pen and paper over the years, so embrace tradition for these moments. Also with a book, checking back over previous weeks is easy.

Without execution, great ideas are worth nothing.

My mother (also an entrepreneur) always taught me ‘do it now’. In essence it means doing the task now before you forget.

Quick turnaround on anything is highly appreciated in our fast paced lives. Whether that’s an invoice/receipt sent immediately, an email responded to within the hour, delivery arriving in less than two days. Keeping to this philosophy not only increases your output, but also positively affects your reputation with your clients, network and customers.

Like we mentioned before, great ideas are useless without execution. So act on new tasks when they come. While the ideas are fresh.

BUT if you can’t ‘do it now’, add it to your notebook as a task to do later today or tomorrow (see we just brought the process full circle.)

Of course I wouldn’t build a brand around a product unless I was truly convinced of its potential. I have been taking Lion’s Mane for 6 months and definitely feel its benefits to my focus, mood and memory. Just to test, I took a few weeks off, and actually felt myself slip. Less focused and more brain fog. But a couple weeks after I went back to Lion’s Mane the benefits returned.

I used to take different chemical nootropics (modafinil, microdosing and even ADHD medicines) but in contrast Lion’s Mane mushroom is a natural method for cognitive enhancement. It doesn’t pump you up like a pre-workout, its effects build slowly and are profound. This is partly due to its ability to help our bodies synthesize Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) which basically means it’s helping you to grow brain cells.

Integrating Lion’s Mane mushroom in your diet is simple with Earth Story’s capsules. Just take 2 a day in the morning and continue for a month to really notice the benefits.

I personally pair it with my morning coffee on an empty stomach.

“As a business owner wearing several hats and managing multiple teams, my level of focus and mental fortitude is critical. This is why Lion’s Mane has become an irreplaceable component in my daily routine, alongside fitness, meditation, and a balanced diet. Professional performance requires personal consistency, and Lion’s Mane helps keep me on point. “

Andrew Saltzmans, CEO of Tellr labs marketing agency

I don’t have to try to convince you of the benefits of this beverage. Every week there seems to be a new study touting the black elixers many health benefits, even in addition to being awake and alert.

I find the morning ritual of a coffee and writing a journal my favourite part of the day. And I am not the only entrepreneur doing this.

“I take 20 min every morning to sit with a cup of coffee and clear mind to write down my daily to dos before I begin my day”

Alvin Kantapura, co-founder of Bangkok AI education services The Rise of Intelligence

If coffee isn’t your thing, try green tea, matcha or Earth Story’s upcoming product Morning Ritual Mushroom and Cacao blend.

Being a successful entrepreneur requires many skills and constant optimization. You need many weapons in your arsenal, and a little bit of experimentation.

Most importantly, of all the skills or experience you may need, having faith in yourself and your project should be paramount.

So plan your work, focus on priorities and find the most sustainable supplements to help this journey unfold.

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